
Monday, April 9, 2012

The Car List

Stasha is requesting a list of anything having to do with the road for this week's Listicles. I'm going with...

10 Things You Will Find in My Car at Any Given Time

1. Car seat. Little Man's ride.
2. Ice scraper. I've only used it once in the past year, but you never know.
3. Winter gloves. Yep, you never know.
4. Pink and purple lei. It usually only gets used once a year for CountryFest, but it adds a nice splash of color to my black and gray car for the rest of the year.
5. Reusable bags. Be green.
6. Screwdrivers. I have no idea what I would use these for, but if I need them, they're there.
7. Gum. Very important.
8. Change. Especially useful at the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru.
9. Coupons. Although, I usually forget these in said car.
10. Bruins decor. Of course. ;)

Moon Over Rte 37
And, err, a camera. :)


  1. Only used the ice scrape once? You don't live in Canada, do you?
    Love your background BTW.

    1. Unfortunately, no. But I do live in New England so I should have had to use it more often than that. This winter was lame! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I don't even bother with coupons cause most of the time I forget the reusable bags in the car too. You take the best road photos, you know I heart them big time!! I had to google lei :)

    1. Yeah, I forget the bags a lot, too. Oh well, I try! :) I'm glad you enjoy the road photos. I should really start pulling over to take them, though...

  3. I'm usually good with the bags, but forget the coupons. I'm outside Philly and I think I've only used the scraper once this winter too!

  4. My list is similar, except I have Flyers decals. ;-)

  5. I love that you have screwdrivers but don't know why :) Makes me laugh cause I do too!
